
Our asparagus

Find out all about the asparagus at the Brandt Arbogast Farm

Our asparagus is harvested daily.

The white asparagus grown on the farm is a spring delight not to be missed !

    • A stalk of asparagus weighs between 20 and 80 grams. It can be white, purple or green, depending on how long it is exposed to the sun. Its bitter taste may be more or less pronounced.
    • The asparagus on our farm is white, soft and fibre-free.
    • Asparagus is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and vitamins (B9). Relatively low in calories, you can eat to your heart’s content.
    • Before you sit down to eat, you will need to be patient and cook it in steam or boil in water. It can be enjoyed simply with a mix of vinaigrettes or cooked as a velvely gratin. It also goes very well with meat.

The green asparagus : to be eaten in spring only!


  • An asparagus weighs between 20 and 80 grams. Its slightly bitter taste can be more or less pronounced.
  • Green asparagus is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre.
  • You can eat it cooked in water or fried. 

The season lasts from April to the beginning of June


Various choices and categories of asparagus are available for sale :


  • 1st choice bulk or 1Kg bundle
  • 2nd choice bulk or 1kg bundle
  • Tips and mini-tips in 500g container

 Any question, call our phone nr :
+33 (0)3 88 73 83 01


Peeled on our facilities !

For dessert, think of rhubarb.

Rhubarb is harvested daily to keep its virtues and freshness!
Rhubarb can be enjoyed as a pie (meringue is my favourite) but also as a muffin, jam plain or mixed with bananas, oranges, strawberries,… With its slightly acidic taste, you can make an exceptional ice cream!

Produced by the farm, rhubarb is sold in 1kg bales.