Our recipe ideas

Cream of leek and chestnut soup

Cream of leek and chestnut soup

Preparation time: 45 min in total / Cooking time: 30 min. Easy to cook / Cost: Cheap People : 8 Ingredients : 1 onion 3 leeks 1 potato 250g whole cooked chestnuts 3 bouillon cubes 1.5l water Preparation : In the pressure cooker, fry the onion in the olive oil. Allow...

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Pumpkin or squash chicken soup

Pumpkin or squash chicken soup

Time of preparation : 20 minutes / Cooking time: 1 hour For 6-8 people / Easy / Cost: medium Ingredients 1 beautiful pumpkin or 1 squash per person 4 pieces of chicken (white, drumstick, thigh...) 1 litre of degreased poultry broth 500g of chanterelles (or trumpets)...

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Cream of pumpkin with bacon

Cream of pumpkin with bacon

Preparation time: 15 min. / Cooking time: 25 min. / Easy to make / Cost: cheap For 4 persons500 g pumpkin flesh (or other kind of pumpkins) 250 cl of liquid cream1 tbsp olive...

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Egg custard

Egg custard

Time: 10 minutes of preparation Cooking time: 1h at 170°C for a large mould / 30min at 170°C for ramekins Very easy Cheap For 4/6 people Ingredients : 100 g sugar 2 packets of vanilla sugar 1 liter milk 6 eggs Preparation : Bring the milk and the various sugars to the...

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Autumn Tart

Autumn Tart

with Butternut Squash, Goat Cheese, Bacon, and Hazelnuts Time of preparation: 30 minutes / Cooking time: 35 minutesFor 4 persons / Easy / Cost: cheap / For 4-6 people Ingredients 1 shortcrust pastry (homemade or store-bought)500 g butternut squash, cut into small...

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Gratin with potimarron (pumpkin)

Gratin with potimarron (pumpkin)

Time of preparation: 1h30 / Cooking time: 45 minutes For 4 persons / Easy / Cost: cheap / For 4 people Ingredients 1.5 kg of potimarron (pumpkin) 4 tablespoons double cream 150g grated Parmesan cheese 30 g butter Nutmeg Pepper Salt Peel the potimarron and remove the...

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Blueberries muffins

Blueberries muffins

Preparation time: 20 minutes / Cooking time: 20 - 25 minutesEasy to make / Medium / Cost: Medium Dough for 12 muffins150 g flour      100 g sugar100 g butter    2 eggs   ½ tsp backing powder1 pinch of salt1 lemon150 g...

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Blueberries pie

Blueberries pie

Preparation time: 30 minutes / Cooking time: 30 minutes + 10 minutesEasy to make / Medium / Cost: Medium Dough 200 g flour      75 g sugar100 g butter    1 egg   ½ chemical...

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Strawberry charlotte

Strawberry charlotte

Preparation time: 1 hour / Cooling time: 6 hours / Ingredients for 6 pers. / Medium / Cost: Medium Ingredients 140 g caster sugar 500 g strawberries 1 lemon 1 tablespoon strawberry alcohol 40 cl of liquid cream 6 gelatin leaves 1 packet of vanilla sugar 26 spoon...

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Pancakes with asparagus & white sauce

Pancakes with asparagus & white sauce

Time: 30 minutes of preparation / Cooking time: 30 minutesIngredients for 4 people / Easy / Cost: medium For the asparagus1 kg of asparagusA pinch of salt1 lump of sugar For the sauce100 g butter100 g flour1 litre of asparagus cooking juiceSalt and pepper1 pinch of...

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Dandelion salad with bacon

Dandelion salad with bacon

Time: 20 minutes of preparation / Cooking time: 10 minutes For 4 people Ingredients : 800 g dandelions200 g smoked bacon from the farm2 shallots1 clove of garlic4 eggs (1 per person)2 tbsp. vinegarfine salt, ground white pepper Preparation : Clean the dandelions, wash...

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Apple Mendiant

Apple Mendiant

Time of preparation: 30 minutes / Cooking time: 50 minutes For 4 persons / Easy / Cost: cheap Ingredients 4 stale bread rolls (or 300g of leftover brioche) 40 cl milk 3 eggs 125 g caster sugar 1 tablespoon fruit alcohol 3 apples 50 g sultanas (optional) 50 g walnuts...

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