Egg custard

Time: 10 minutes of preparation
Cooking time: 1h at 170°C for a large mould / 30min at 170°C for ramekins
Very easy
For 4/6 people

Ingredients :

100 g sugar
2 packets of vanilla sugar
1 liter milk
6 eggs

Preparation :

Bring the milk and the various sugars to the boil.

Beat the eggs into an omelette.

Pour the boiling milk gradually over the eggs, stirring vigorously.

Pour the mixture into a large mould (a soufflé mould is ideal), or into small ramekins.

Bake in a bain-marie (otherwise the flan will not set) for about 1 hour.

Check regularly that the flan is cooked by moving the dish slightly, so that it is no longer liquid.

Serve cold.

Put some caramel in the bottom of the mould or ramekins before pouring the preparation. When you are ready to eat your flan, just turn it upside down and the caramel will run over the homemade flan.