Gratin with potimarron (pumpkin)

Time of preparation: 1h30 / Cooking time: 45 minutes
For 4 persons / Easy / Cost: cheap / For 4 people


1.5 kg of potimarron (pumpkin)
4 tablespoons double cream
150g grated Parmesan cheese
30 g butter

Peel the potimarron and remove the seeds. Cut it into cubes and cook for 30 mins in a steamer or, failing that, in a large pan of water until a knife blade will fit easily.

Melt the butter in a large frying pan and brown the pumpkin. Mash it with a fork to obtain a more or less homogenous purée (to taste, with small pieces) and add the crème fraîche, parmesan, a good dose of grated nutmeg and season to taste.

Mix well and pour into a buttered ovenproof dish.

Bake under the grill for 10 to 15 minutes.

A slightly sweet side and a nutty flavour to die for!

Note: Excellent with game or red meat (venison or even duck breast).