Blueberries muffins

Preparation time: 20 minutes / Cooking time: 20 – 25 minutes
Easy to make / Medium / Cost: Medium

Dough for 12 muffins
150 g flour     
100 g sugar
100 g butter   
2 eggs  
½ tsp backing powder
1 pinch of salt
1 lemon
150 g blueberries

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Knead the softened butter and sugar into a creamy mixture.
Add the egg yolks, grated lemon zest and then the flour sifted with baking powder.
Beat the egg whites with the pinch of strong snow that you add to the above preparation.
Gently add the blueberries and mix.

Divide the preparation among the moulds by filling them at ¾.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

During baking, a needle planted in the middle of the muffins must come out clean and dry and the muffins must be golden and cracked at the top. Let them rest for 1 minute in the moulds then turn them over on a rack and let them cool down for a few minutes.

PS: Blueberries can be replaced by raspberries, blackberries or pears – excellent!